Short Essay - Out of Sight

Watch S01E11 Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

Pick one question to write about:

  • Why is it common for students to feel ignored/invisible in high school, even when surrounded by people?
  • Explain/contrast the difference between Buffy, Cordelia, and Marcy’s experience in being popular?

Outline your essay. During or after the episode start write down notes related to your topic. During class discussion, do this same thing.

Group related items together. Make into an outline. Each group a paragraph. Take the strongest four groupings. They’ll be the four main paragraphs you put in the essay.

Add an intro paragraph ahead of the four main paragraphs. Use it to introduce the show/episode. Then quickly outline what you are about to cover. Make sure your last sentence is the thesis.

Add a final sixth paragraph that is your conclusion. Do NOT introduce new topics in the conclusion. Look back at your main points, and tie them together. Don’t just restate your four main paragraph points, but relate them together into a final push to your conclusion. Make sure that conclusion answers your thesis.