If Wishes Came True - Assignment 4

In S03E09 - The Wish Cordelia gets her wish that Buffy never came to town. It has unforeseen consequences that are bad.

For this writing assignment think of something that you wish for. It could be personal (I wish I had a lot of money, I wish I hadn’t done stupid thing x). It could also be non-personal (I wish COVID hadn’t happened).

Then, think of the consequences that might happen because of that. Detail out what the consequence would be, your analysis of it, and your reasons for why you think that would be a consequence.

Finally, tie it together and conclude if this would be a good thing or a bad thing.

Turn in:

  • Name, date, title
  • Outline with the wish, and quick notes itemizing four consequences with their supporting analysis and evidence. The outline can just be a few words, you don’t need complete sentences, it doesn’t even need to be understandable by me. I just want evidence you organized your thoughts.
  • Essay. Introductory paragraph that relates to the Buffy episode and what your wish is. Follow it with four paragraphs, each one a consequence. Then a conclusion that sums up if you think those consequences would be good or bad.