Short Essay - Assignment 3

For this assignment, we’ll be outlining and writing a short essay.

Pick one of the following episodes and discussion topics:

Lie to Me

S02E07 - Lie to Me - This episode touches on the consequences of lying to people you care about. Even wanting people to lie to you.

It is often easier to choose immediate self-interest over a course of action that is better long-term and for everyone involved. In S02E07 - Lie to Me people find it easier to just lie.

Writing prompts:

  • Who in this show lies to whom? Is anyone here not lying?
  • Explain how this episode parallels real-life issues people have.
  • In this show, there are people that want to turn into vampires. Is there anything that could be a metaphor for in real life? Some of these people don’t want to be saved. Does this type of thing really happen?
  • “Other viewpoints than yours may be valid.” When is that true? When is that not true?
  • “Some lies are necessary, the truth is worse.” True or not?
  • “I love you. I don’t know if I trust you.” Is trust part of love?
  • Why is doing/saying the truth so hard for the people in the show?
  • How can we encourage ourselves to be truthful? As a society, how do we encourage others to tell the truth?
  • “Nothing’s ever simple anymore. I’m constantly trying to work it out. Who to love or hate. Who to trust. It’s just, like, the more I know, the more confused I get.”
  • “I believe that’s called growing up.”
  • “I’d like to stop then, okay?”


S02E14 - Innocence is the second of a two-part episode. The first episode being “Surprise” (which I did post, in case you want to watch it too.) In short, the story is that Angel is a vampire that is cursed with a soul so he feels empathy. (The curse came from a band of Gypsies that Ms. Calendar is part of.) That curse stays until he experiences a moment of true happiness. At the end of the first part, Buffy and Angel have sex, and unbeknownst to Buffy, Angel loses his soul.

Oh, and bad-vampires Spike and Drusilla are working to assemble a bad demon named “Judge.” Drusilla is healthy again, Spice almost died and is in a wheelchair.

Trigger Warning: This episode hits on experiences where a person changes after sex, and one person feels used. If you’ve had some sexual trauma in your background you might want to pick the other episode.

Writing prompts:

  • Explain how in S02E14 - Innocence, the show parallels the common experience of a bad sex experience.
  • Discuss why we create and watch shows that mirror experiences like this. Who wants to re-live this? Why?
  • The Judge says there is no humanity in Angel. What is humanity?
  • What’s up with Oz’s response to Willow?
  • Giles is dating Ms. Jenny Calendar. When he realizes what she’s done, he has to pick sides. Buffy or his romantic interest. Does this type of thing happen often?
  • After sex, Buffy says to Giles, “You must have been so disappointed in me.” How does Giles respond, and how does that mirror a typical parent/teen relationship?
  • What must it be like moving from an “innocent” relationship with your parent and peers, and one where you are now discussing sex?

Directions on Writing

  • First, create an outline with at least four main points.
  • For each point, pull specific things that pack your point. Don’t give me something vague, pull an actual event or fact. Even better, two or three.
  • Outline a conclusion. How do your points relate? How do they build off each other?
  • Leave the outline on top, I’ll be looking for it.
  • Use that outline to write your essay. Six paragraphs: intro with thesis, four points, conclusion.